Hack Sql Server

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  2. Sql Server Management Studio
  3. Hack Sql Server Instance
Active9 years, 3 months ago

My company is working on a development project using SQL Server 2008 Express. The amount of data we plan to store in our main table will quickly exceed the 4GB size limit of Express. We can buy ourselves some time with SQL Server 2008 R2, but eventually we will surpass the 10GB limitation as well.

Locking is essential to successful SQL Server transactions processing and it is designed to allow SQL Server to work seamlessly in a multi-user environment. Locking is the way that SQL Server manages transaction concurrency. Essentially, locks are in-memory structures which have owners, types, and the hash of the resource that it should protect. Here are nine hacker tricks used to gain access and abuse systems running Microsoft SQL Server. Direct connections via the Internet. These connections can be used to attach to SQL Servers sitting naked without firewall protection for the entire world to see (and access). Hacking an SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server is a popular and robust environment for many applications that use databases - it features excellent multi-access capabilities, comprehensive security coverage and can easily be transported to other database platforms.

The team lead wants to hear all available options before purchasing licenses for Standard Edition. The expertise available in our company is SQL Server and Oracle, so using MySQL or PostgresSQL would be considered a last resort.

How to Reset SA Password in Sql Server. This wikiHow teaches you how to reset a forgotten System Administrator (SA) password in Microsoft's SQL Server. You can do this by logging in with Windows Authentication, using Command Prompt,.

The only alternative I can think of is a design where the main table is horizontally partitioned into separate, distinct databases. In addition, there would be a central database to store the information about where the data was stored.

For example, all of the table data for 2008 would be stored in DB_2008, 2009 data in DB_2009, and so on. The metadata table might look like this:

This table would be used to determine the database location of the data for our stored procedures. Most of our code already uses parameterized, dynamic SQL, so this would not be difficult to implement.

Has anyone ever done this before?

Is there an established model for this type of design or is it just a horrible idea?

8,7537 gold badges33 silver badges49 bronze badges

6 Answers

I realize this doesn't address your question exactly, but in my experience it's always more expensive to hack up a nasty kludge like this--think dollars per hour for development and maintenance, plus the time you've lost developing features that really matter--than to buy the right tools in the first place.

EDITED: And why Standard edition instead of Workgroup? If Express satisfies your feature requirements, so will Workgroup, and it's ~$3500 cheaper than Standard. Still, either is a bargain compared to saddling yourself as described above -- doubly so if you can license by CAL instead of by Processor. :-)

Ben MBen M
19.9k3 gold badges56 silver badges66 bronze badges

It's a horrible idea. IANAL, but you may still be violating the SQL Server license even with this scheme. They put in all sorts of fine print about 'multiplexing' and whatnot.

Hack Sql Server

Even if you got this to work, you could very well run into nasty performance and authentication issues, and maintaining the data would be a pain. Assuming your developers don't work for free, buying a license would be cheaper.

Don't do it.

Dave MarkleDave Markle
80k17 gold badges135 silver badges160 bronze badges

The only way I would consider doing anything like this is if I was guaranteed that Free download full indian movies.

  1. reports wouldn't cross those boundaries, and
  2. when querying data, the user would be limited to current year.

The reality is that those constraints rarely work. Consider someone wanting a 12 month report in march, from the previous march.. You'll have to aggregate the results in code.

At the end of the day you are going to spend a LOT more in development time making this work than a sql standard license will cost you. EDIT: I take that last sentence back: it will cost more to do than a sql enterprise license would.

78.1k25 gold badges156 silver badges234 bronze badges

There is no such thing as free software! :) Even if you can get around the 10GB size limitation you will still be limited by the 1GB memory ceiling. With a 10GB database that will most likely seriously impair performance (unless your query workload is very small).

Note that if you have varbinary data in your database you can store that outside of the 10GB limit by using Filestream.

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21.8k1 gold badge31 silver badges71 bronze badges

It can be done, you see it in data warehousing and document storage, but those are systems where you rarely need to select accross a boundary (year, etc). If you will often need to work with data from multiple partitions/databases it's probably cheaper to buy the license than do the coding and support of the partitioned model.

C. RossC. Ross
18.9k35 gold badges133 silver badges223 bronze badges

Have you seen the Web Edition of SQL Server? If you fit into it's licensing model, it does all of the main sql server stuff (doesn't do mirroring and can't server as a replication source, among some other limitations) but is very affordable.

13.3k1 gold badge24 silver badges46 bronze badges

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Customers usually turn to the internet to get information and buy products and services. Towards that end, most organizations have websites.Most websites store valuable information such as credit card numbers, email address and passwords, etc. This has made them targets to attackers. Defaced websites can also be used to communicate religious or political ideologies etc.

In this tutorial, we will introduce you toweb servers hacking techniques and how you can protect servers from such attacks.

In this tutorial, you will learn:

Web server vulnerabilities

A web server is a program that stores files (usually web pages) and makes them accessible via the network or the internet. A web server requires both hardware and software. Attackers usually target the exploits in the software to gain authorized entry to the server. Let’s look at some of the common vulnerabilities that attackers take advantage of.

  • Default settings– These settings such as default user id and passwords can be easily guessed by the attackers. Default settings might also allow performing certain tasks such as running commands on the server which can be exploited.
  • Misconfigurationof operating systems and networks – certain configuration such as allowing users to execute commands on the server can be dangerous if the user does not have a good password.
  • Bugs in the operating system and web servers– discovered bugs in the operating system or web server software can also be exploited to gain unauthorized access to the system.

In additional to the above-mentioned web server vulnerabilities, the following can also led to unauthorized access

  • Lack of security policy and procedures– lack of a security policy and procedures such as updating antivirus software, patching the operating system and web server software can create security loop holes for attackers.

Types of Web Servers

The following is a list of the common web servers

  • Apache– This is the commonly used web server on the internet. It is cross platform but is it’s usually installed on Linux. Most PHP websites are hosted on Apache servers.
  • Internet Information Services (IIS)– It is developed by Microsoft. It runs on Windows and is the second most used web server on the internet. Most asp and aspx websites are hosted on IIS servers.
  • Apache Tomcat – Most Java server pages (JSP) websites are hosted on this type of web server.
  • Other web servers – These include Novell's Web Server and IBM’s Lotus Domino servers.

Types of Attacks against Web Servers

Hack Sql Server

Directory traversal attacks– This type of attacks exploits bugs in the web server to gain unauthorized access to files and folders that are not in the public domain. Once the attacker has gained access, they can download sensitive information, execute commands on the server or install malicious software.

  • Denial of Service Attacks– With this type of attack, the web server may crash or become unavailable to the legitimate users.
  • Domain Name System Hijacking – With this type of attacker, the DNS setting are changed to point to the attacker’s web server. All traffic that was supposed to be sent to the web server is redirected to the wrong one.
  • Sniffing– Unencrypted data sent over the network may be intercepted and used to gain unauthorized access to the web server.
  • Phishing– With this type of attack, the attack impersonates the websites and directs traffic to the fake website. Unsuspecting users may be tricked into submitting sensitive data such as login details, credit card numbers, etc.
  • Pharming– With this type of attack, the attacker compromises the Domain Name System (DNS) servers or on the user computer so that traffic is directed to a malicious site.
  • Defacement– With this type of attack, the attacker replaces the organization’s website with a different page that contains the hacker’s name, images and may include background music and messages.

Effects of successful attacks

  • An organization’s reputation can be ruined if the attacker edits the website content and includes malicious information or links to a porn website
  • The web server can be used to install malicious software on users who visit the compromised website. The malicious software downloaded onto the visitor’s computer can be a virus, Trojan or Botnet Software, etc.
  • Compromised user data may be used for fraudulent activities which may lead to business loss or lawsuits from the users who entrusted their details with the organization

Web server attack tools

Some of the common web server attack tools include;

Sql Server Management Studio

  • Metasploit– this is an open source tool for developing, testing and using exploit code. It can be used to discover vulnerabilities in web servers and write exploits that can be used to compromise the server.
  • MPack– this is a web exploitation tool. It was written in PHP and is backed by MySQL as the database engine. Once a web server has been compromised using MPack, all traffic to it is redirected to malicious download websites.
  • Zeus– this tool can be used to turn a compromised computer into a bot or zombie. A bot is a compromised computer which is used to perform internet-based attacks. A botnet is a collection of compromised computers. The botnet can then be used in a denial of service attack or sending spam mails.
  • Neosplit – this tool can be used to install programs, delete programs, replicating it, etc.

How to avoid attacks on Web server

An organization can adopt the following policy to protect itself against web server attacks.

  • Patch management– this involves installing patches to help secure the server. A patch is an update that fixes a bug in the software. The patches can be applied to the operating system and the web server system.
  • Secure installation and configuration of the operating system
  • Secure installation and configuration of the web server software
  • Vulnerability scanning system– these include tools such as Snort, NMap, Scanner Access Now Easy (SANE)
  • Firewalls can be used to stop simple DoS attacks by blocking all traffic coming the identify source IP addresses of the attacker.
  • Antivirus software can be used to remove malicious software on the server
  • Disabling Remote Administration
  • Default accounts and unused accounts must be removed from the system
  • Default ports & settings (like FTP at port 21) should be changed to custom port & settings (FTP port at 5069)

Hacking Activity: Hack a WebServer

In this practical scenario, we are going to look at the anatomy of a web server attack. We will assume we are targeting www.techpanda.org. We are not actually going to hack into it as this is illegal. We will only use the domain for educational purposes.

What we will need

  • A target www.techpanda.org
  • Bing search engine
  • SQL Injection Tools
  • PHP Shell, we will use dk shell http://sourceforge.net/projects/icfdkshell/

Information gathering

We will need to get the IP address of our target and find other websites that share the same IP address.

We will use an online tool to find the target’s IP address and other websites sharing the IP address

  • Enter the URL http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/web-sites-on-web-server/ in your web browser
  • Enter www.techpanda.org as the target
  • Click on Check button
  • You will get the following results

Based on the above results, the IP address of the target is

We also found out that there are 403 domains on the same web server.

Our next step is to scan the other websites for SQL injection vulnerabilities. Note: if we can find a SQL vulnerable on the target, then we would directly exploit it without considering other websites.

  • Enter the URL www.bing.com into your web browser. This will only work with Bing so don’t use other search engines such as google or yahoo
  • Enter the following search query

ip: .php?id=

Hack Sql Server Instance


  • “ip:” limits the search to all the websites hosted on the web server with IP address
  • “.php?id=” search for URL GET variables used a parameters for SQL statements.

You will get the following results

As you can see from the above results, all the websites using GET variables as parameters for SQL injection have been listed.

The next logic step would be to scan the listed websites for SQL Injection vulnerabilities. You can do this using manual SQL injection or use tools listed in this article on SQL Injection.

Uploading the PHP Shell

We will not scan any of the websites listed as this is illegal. Let’s assume that we have managed to login into one of them. You will have to upload the PHP shell that you downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/icfdkshell/

  • Open the URL where you uploaded the dk.php file.
  • You will get the following window
  • Clicking the Symlink URL will give you access to the files in the target domain.

Once you have access to the files, you can get login credentials to the database and do whatever you want such as defacement, downloading data such as emails, etc.


  • Web server stored valuable information and are accessible to the public domain. This makes them targets for attackers.
  • The commonly used web servers include Apache and Internet Information Service IIS
  • Attacks against web servers take advantage of the bugs and Misconfiguration in the operating system, web servers, and networks
  • Popular web server hacking tools include Neosploit, MPack, and ZeuS.
  • A good security policy can reduce the chances of been attacked