Install Nvidia Drivers In Linux

Install Nvidia Drivers In Linux 9,5/10 7504 reviews

You can use Nvidia cards with the open-source Nouveau device driver or the Nvidia proprietary drivers. The proprietary driver supports more Nvidia cards than Nouveau.

How to Install NVIDIA Drivers on Linux The best option. Depending on your Linux distro, there can be different methods to install. Installing NVIDIA drivers on Arch Linux is quite simple and easy. Installing NVIDIA GPU driver on Fedora can follow many paths. On most systems with DKMS, DKMS will take care of automatically rebuilding registered kernel modules when installing a different Linux kernel. If nvidia-installer is unable to install the kernel module through DKMS, the installation will be aborted and no kernel module will be installed. If this happens, installation should be attempted again, without the DKMS option. How to Install NVIDIA Drivers on Linux The best option. Depending on your Linux distro, there can be different methods to install. Installing NVIDIA drivers on Arch Linux is quite simple and easy. Installing NVIDIA GPU driver on Fedora can follow many paths. We do not need to install the nvidia drivers per se. We can but there is no must. Unless you experience problems with your display when working or gaming. Many of the hardware display cards are supported by the nouveau driver i.e. Opensource driver. In this tutorial we will install the nvidia driver or the proprietary driver. First we need to know what hardware we have to decide what driver.

Nouveau – Nvidia Open Source Driver

Nouveau is the open-source device driver to support Nvidia graphics cards and the Nvidia Tegra family of SoCs. The device driver was developed with the cooperation of Nvidia engineers but it’s not the official Nvidia driver.

Nouveau is based on Nvidia’s proprietary Linux driver. The project is currently managed by X.Org Foundation. It has three components:

  • Linux Kernel KMS driver (nouveau)
  • Gallium3D drivers in Mesa
  • DDX

The source code is hosted on

Install Nvidia Drivers On Linux

Nouveau is freely distributed under the MIT License. The predecessor of Nouveau is the deprecated 2D-only open-source nv driver. In 2005, Nouveau started as nv driver patches. The first official release was demonstrated in the in 2007. In 2010, Nouveau was accepted into the Linux kernel as an experimental device driver.

The initial versions of Nouveau were using Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI) for Mesa 3D for 3D graphics functionalities. But since 2008, Gallium3D is being used for 3D support. Nouveau is used as the default Nvidia device driver for Linux distributions like Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, and OpenSUSE.

The Nouveau project is actively supported by the open-source community. It is improving with every new release.


Nouveau users should be aware of the following limitations:

  • Performance: 3D performance may be slower than Nvidia proprietary drivers.
  • Refresh Rates: Higher refresh rates (above 60 Hz) might run into bottlenecks.
  • Advanced Features: The driver might not support new advanced features in the latest Nvidia graphics cards (like multiple-display capabilities of Nvidia Quadro cards without Scalable Link Interface or SLI).

Nvidia Proprietary Driver

The Nvidia proprietary driver is developed and maintained by Nvidia. It supports a wider range of graphics cards than Nouveau driver. This closed-source driver provides better performance for 3D graphics and computer games than the open-source option.

The Nvidia proprietary driver consists of two parts:

  • Wrapper functions compile against the Linux kernel.
  • The binary blob (Binary Large OBject) takes care of the communication with the card.

The kernel module and the X11 driver are included in a single package. Users have to choose the specifics of how the components are installed from the package.

Hardware Compatibility

The package comes with support for multiple generations of Nvidia cards. You can find out about the card compatibility with your system using the Nvidia driver download page form.

Nvidia Driver Ubuntu

Kernel Compatibility

Nvidia kernel driver installs and runs against the current Linux kernel. The driver builds as a module and needs a kernel that is capable of loading kernel modules. The kernel module is called nvidia.ko. The nvidia.ko consists of a proprietary part, known as the binary blob, and an open-source part, known as the glue. The binary blob takes care of the graphics card functionalities. The glue part works as the intermediary between the binary blob and the kernel. The binary blob, the glue, and the system kernel have to work together to create a smooth operation. These components take care of operating system issues like kernel panics, X server crashes, overheating and power management.

The Challenges of Nvidia Drivers

A risk of using the Nvidia proprietary driver is the changes to any Linux internal Application Binary Interface (ABI) can have adverse consequences. New Linux kernel releases can change the internal ABI for drivers. It requires all drivers using those ABIs to be updated. It is not a big deal for open-source products. Users can easily review the chain of calls between drivers and update the ABIs easily. But users don’t have that level of transparency into nvidia.ko. So after a new kernel release, Nvidia cards might start to showcase data loss or hardware failures. If you are using nvidia.ko, always use caution before a kernel update. It’s recommended to stick to the current kernel version until Nvidia releases a new version of nvidia.ko for general use.

Relationship with the Open-Source Community

Nvidia has a contentious relationship with the open-source community. The Nvidia graphics cards still outperform Intel and AMD cards on Linux systems. But the closed-source nature of Nvidia drivers makes it difficult for open-source communities to contribute. In the past, open-source Nouveau developers used to take the firmware images of the Nvidia device drivers and reverse engineer them to find out more about the internals of the drivers. Then they would replicate the functionalities on Nouveau. But Nvidia started to release signed firmware images which can’t be reverse engineered. Nvidia has claimed that they want to stop the use of imitation graphics cards. But it is preventing the development of open-source support for Nvidia cards.

Switching Between Nouveau and Nvidia Drivers

Users can switch between Nouveau and Nvidia proprietary drivers. It’s difficult but still possible. Here are three methods you can use:

  • Switching with the help of two kernels
  • Switching with the help of a single kernel and hprofile
  • Switching with the help of a single kernel and systemd

You can learn more about the methods here. Telecharger autocad 2013 gratuit.

Linux Distribution Specific Installation Instructions

Please use the following links to find the installation instructions for specific Linux distributions. The detailed instructions should help you install the Nvidia proprietary driver on your Linux machine. If your favorite distribution is missing, you can send us an email and we will look into adding the necessary instructions.

In Conclusion

Install Nvidia Drivers Linux Mint

Nvidia is one of the best companies for graphics cards for Linux machines. However, installing and running Nvidia drivers on Linux systems is challenging due to the company’s propensity to keep its hardware and software closed-sourced. You can use Nouveau open-source drivers to run Nvidia cards at a performance penalty. Also, find out more about the performance differences between Nouveau and Nvidia proprietary drivers from this Phoronix review.

Further Information:



I am a new CentOS 7 Linux desktop user. I need to use Nvidia software for my video editing software and other purposes. How do I install the Nvidia driver on CentOS 7 Linux?
Introduction: Nvidia drivers used for gaming, video editing, visualization, artificial intelligence and more. This page shows how to install Nvidia GPU drivers on a CentOS 7 Linux desktop.

How to install Nvidia driver on CentOS 7 Linux

The procedure to install proprietary Nvidia GPU Drivers on CentOS 7 Linux is as follows:

  1. Update your system running yum command
  2. Blacklist nouveau driver
  3. Download the Nvidia driver for CentOS 7
  4. Install required software to install the proprietary Nvidia driver on CentOS
  5. Disable Nouveau driver in CentOS 7
  6. Switch to CentOS 7 to text mode
  7. Run the NVIDIA driver installer
  8. Reboot the CentOS 7 to use the NVIDIA driver

Let us see all steps in details for installing NVIDIA drivers on CentOS 7.

How to update CentOS 7 desktop

It is essential that you use the latest Linux kernel and other drivers. Open the terminal application and run:
$ sudo yum update

How to find out info about the Nvidia GPU on CentOS 7

Execute the lspci command with [nixmcd name=”grep”] $ lspci grep -i --color 'vga 3d 2d'
$ sudo lshw -class display
From the above outputs, it is clear that I have NVIDIA Corporation GK104GLM [Quadro K5000M] and the nouveau driver loaded for the device. For more info see “Linux Find Out Graphics Card Installed In My System“.

Download the NVIDIA driver

Visit this page and grab the drivers for your Linux system:
I saved driver to ~/Downloads/ directory on my CentOS Linux 7 desktop:
$ ls -l ~/Downloads/

total 105416
-rw-rw-r–. 1 vivek vivek 107944209 Nov 14 01:58

How to install kernel-devel and other software

One must install kernel-devel and gcc kernel on a CentOS 7:
$ sudo yum group install 'Development Tools'
$ sudo yum install kernel-devel

Turn on and install EPEL Repo on a CentOS 7.x

You must install dkms for registering the NVIDA kernel module with DKMS:
$ sudo yum -y install epel-release
$ sudo yum -y install dkms

How to disable nouveau driver

If the nouveau kernel driver used by the CentOS 7, installer would not work as this driver is incompatible with the NVIDIA driver and it must be disabled. Edit a file named /etc/default/grub as follows:
$ sudo vi /etc/default/grub
Append the following to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX line:
Save and close the file. Rebuild the grub config and restart the system as per BIOS or UEFI system.

BIOS USER run this

$ sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

UEFI USER run this

$ sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.cfg
Reboot the Linux box now:
$ sudo reboot

How to switch to CentOS 7 to text mode from GUI

To install the Nvidia driver switch to console mode. The Nvidia installer refuse to work if you are running from GUI:

Hence, it is necessary to switch to text mode. Open a terminal Window and run:
$ sudo systemctl isolate

Installing Nvidia driver on CentOS 7

Log in and type the following command:
$ sudo bash

Install Nvidia Drivers In Linux

Just follow on-screen instructions. Once installed reboot the machine again:
$ sudo reboot


You must log in and run the nvidia-settings from GUI to verify that everything working fine:
Run the following nvidia-smi command to see what apps are using the NVIDIA GPU on CentOS 7 box:
$ nvidia-smi
Advanced excel tutorial.


This page demonstrated how to disable the open-source Nouveau driver and install the proprietary Nvidia driver in CentOS 7 Linux.
