Autocad Error 4.132.0

Autocad Error 4.132.0 9,9/10 1161 reviews

In Solidworks often times you will see multiple errors rather than just 1. The best practice is to start from the top of the tree and work down. This is how we teach it in the Solidworks Essentials course written by Solidworks themselves. When connecting to the license manager, a license is not available, and error -4.132.0 is displayed.

  1. Autocad Unhandled Exception Error
  2. Autocad Error 4.132.0 Windows 10
  3. Autodesk License Error 4.132.0
  4. Autocad Fatal Error Unhandled E06d7363h


In the past this was typically due to the license service not being started/running in services or fie became corrupt. However, the 2017 version of this may be due to a different file being corrupt, or it was not created during the install. I have outlined steps you or your IT department need to take before contacting your Support for help regarding Autodesk license/server errors. Here are a couple errors that customers get when attempting to open a newly install network version of their Autodesk software on their machine. Causes: Most often this is caused by all of the licenses being consumed. Perform a status enquiry to see if there are licenses available. This can also happen if there is a problem with accessing the license manager.

This guide provides informationto problems that may occur during andafter the installation of Autodesk Network License Manager.

What’snew in licensing?

AllAutodeskMoldflow2011products* now use a new licensing system,Autodesk License Manager (Moldflow), which is based onAutodesk’s FLEXlmintegration called Autodesk Network LicenseManager.

With the new licensing system,all licenses are floating and customerswill need new license keys which can be obtained from the Autodeskwebsite.

*An exception to this isAutodeskMoldflowCommunicator, which is afree product and does not require a license key.

Autodesk Network LicenseManager compatibility

Productrelease support

Autodesk Network LicenseManager supports all Autodesk Moldflow 2011release products.

Legacy Moldflow products (MPI6.1, MPA 8.0, or earlier versions) arenot supported. Legacy products will continue to be licensed using theMPS licensing system and although it will stay operational for existingcustomers, new development on MPS is not expected in the future.


The Autodesk Network LicenseManager cannot be installed on Linuxplatforms; however, Autodesk Moldflow Insight application softwareinstalled on Linux platforms can access licenses which are installed onWindows platforms.

Installationrelated problems

To successfully installAutodesk Network License Manager, you mustreboot the server after the installation and setup of license keys.


When saving the license key,ensure you save the file using a text-onlyeditor such as Notepad. Using other word processing applications suchas Word may add a ‘Carriage Return’ to the file,which FLEXlm cannot read.

Addinga new license

When adding a new license, youmust restart the license server. Thesesteps should be performed using an administrator-level user account.

  1. Restart the Autodesk NetworkLicense Manager service.
    1. Click Start > AllPrograms > Autodesk > Network License Manager >LMTOOLS.
    2. Navigate to the Service/License File tab
    3. Select Autodesk license service from Configuration using Services box
    4. Navigateto the Start/Stop/Reread tab
    5. Click Stop Server
      : Select the Force shutdown option if the license server is currently in use byapplications.
    6. Click Start Server.
  2. Restart the Autodesk NetworkLicense Manager (Moldflow) service.
    1. Open the Windows Servicesapplication (Control Panel -> Administrative Tools)
    2. Select the AutodeskLicenseManager (Moldflow) service, click the right mouse button and selectRestart.


When registering licenses, theserver machine may show multipleEthernet addresses in the LMTOOLS System Settings window. When thishappens, the command line utility ipconfig /all should be used toidentify the main network connection. The Physical Address for thisconnection can then be mapped back to the Ethernet Address in theLMTOOLS System Settings window, and the correct address can be chosen.

  1. Open the command prompt(Start> All programs > Accessories > Command Prompt)
  2. Type the following command: C:> ipconfig /all.


To install Autodesk NetworkLicense Manager, you must haveadministrator privileges. Ensure you are logged in as the Administrator.

On aVista machines, you need to set UAC (User Account Control) to Runas Administrator so that you can do any of the following:

  • (On the server side), makechanges to LMTOOLS.
  • (On theclient side), changethe license server with the Network License Server Settings tool.
  • (On a Vista server), if theclient cannot connect to the server, disable the IPV6 network protocol.

If you get a CD-StartUp Error,it means that you do not haveadministrator rights to install the software. Log in as Administrator,or run the installation as Administrator and then try again.

On machines where the user haslimited access permissions, it isnecessary to run the license configuration tools as an Administrator.This is achieved by right-clicking the tools icon and selecting Run asAdministrator from the list of options. Tools which require this levelof privilege escalation are LMTOOLS and Network License Server Settings.
If these tools are run without administrator-level privileges, usermodifications may not be saved correctly.

Licenses are not recognised

The computer fails to recognise the installed license after rebooting the computer.
There are two main causes for this:

Service dependency is lost

By default, the Autodesk License Manager (Moldflow) Daemon servicedoes not have any dependent services. It actually depends on the FLEXlmservice. Since the name of this service is controlled by the user, thisdependency cannot be created automatically during installation orprogrammatically at runtime. If you find that the licenses are notrecognised after rebooting your computer, you can manually create thedependency.

    1. Identify the FLEXlm service name using LMTOOLS.

    a. Click Start > Programs > Autodesk > Network License Manager > LMTOOLS.
    b. Click the Config Services tab.
    c. Note the name of the service, where the Path to lmgrd.exe file is:
    - x86 operating system C:Program FilesAutodesk Network License Managerlmgrd.exe
    - x64 operating system C:Program Files (x86)Autodesk Network License Managerlmgrd.exe

    2. Edit the dependant services for Autodesk License Manager (Moldflow) Daemon.

    Note: You must be logged in as Administrator to make changes.
    a. Click Start > Run and then type Regedit.
    b. Navigate to the following directory: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/Autodesk License Manager (Moldflow) Daemon.
    c. Right-click the mouse and select New > Multi String Value. A new registry value is created.
    d. Rename the new file to DependOnService and then double-click the value. The Edit Multi-String dialog appears.
    e. In the Value data section, type the name of the FLEXlm service as noted from the LMTOOLS.
    3. Check the dependencies.
    a. Click Start > Run > Services.
    b. Double click on the Autodesk License Manager (Moldflow) Daemon.
    c. Click the Dependencies tab.
    d. Expand the FLEXlm service name in the system components section to display the dependencies.

ADLMHEAT has stalled
After installation, the ADLMHEAT process stalls because FLEXlm is not ready.

In Vista, change the ampsd serviceStartup type to Automatic (Delayed Start).

  1. Open the Windows Services application (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services)
  2. Right-click on the service Autodesk License Manager (Moldflow), and then select Properties.
  3. For Startup Type, select Automatic (Delayed Start).

You must wait at least 35 seconds before requesting a license. Ittakes time for FLEXlm to respond to queries (usually 1-2 seconds perquery), so the more licenses you have, the longer you need to wait.

Diagnosing errors

Check the FlexLM registry keys

When either the Autodesk FlexLm server or the Autodesk LicenseManager (Moldflow) service cannot see the installed Autodesk Moldflowlicenses, please check if the registry entries for the Autodesk FlexLmservice are set up correctly.

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CAUTION: Editing the registry can causesevere system-wide problems. Always backup your registry before makingany changes. Visit Microsoft Help and Support for help backing up your registry.

Ensure the following keys exist on the server, and their values areset correctly. Be sure to include the '@' symbol where necessary.

Location (32-bit): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREFLEXlm License Manager
Location (64-bit): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeFLEXlm License Manager
FLEXlm License ManagerREG_SZ@<server name>

Location (32-bit): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREFLEXlm License Manager<service name>
Location (64-bit): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeFLEXlm License Manager<service name>
DefaultREG_SZ[Value not set]
LicenseREG_SZ<path to license file><license file name>
LmgrdREG_SZ<path to lmgrd>lmgrd.exe
LMGRD_LOG_FILEREG_SZ<path to log file><log file name>

Checkthe server status

  1. Open LMTOOLS (Start >AllPrograms > Autodesk > Network License Manager >LMTOOLS).
  2. In the Server Status tab,click Perform Status Enquiry.
    • If a server does notappear torun, check that the service is running.
    • If no license appearsand theserver is running, save the license file again using Notepad.

Checkthat the correct serverdisplays

If the server status is OK, youshould be able to see the server inLMTOOLS.

  1. Open Network License ServerSettings(Start > All Programs > Autodesk > License Manager(Moldflow) > Network License Server Settings).
  2. Check that the correctserver appears.

Checkthat the client andserver are accessible

Check that both the server andthe client can ping each other by usingboth the hostname and IP address (tests DNS and reverse DNS).



When using a firewall, port6014 TCP must be open on the server toallow clients to reserve licenses. If the port is not open, you willget a License check timed out error when attempting to open the GUI.

Note: Port 6014 is hardcodedand cannot be changed. Consult thedocumentation provided with your firewall software for instructions onhow to open these ports.


When using a local licenseserver, it is best to configure the licenseserver as either the name localhost or as the IP address ensures that network configuration changes will not affectlicensing.

After restarting the license server, it may take up to a minute for theservices to re-initialize fully. During this time, attempts to checkout licenses from the server may be rejected.


Q) Can I use the Silent installationcommand to install the license?
A) You can use the Silent installationcommand to install the client correctly. However, it will not installthe server correctly.
Q) What happens if the server is notrecognized in the DNS?
A) The client can point to the serverusing an IP address.
Q) What happens if the client is notrecognized in the DNS?
A) The client will not be able to see thelicenses, and Autodesk Moldflow Proxy Service Monitor shows the serveras unknown. This needs to be fixed by your IT department.
Q) What happens if the firewall isincorrectly configured on the server?
A) The client will not be able to see thelicenses, and Autodesk Moldflow Proxy Service Monitor shows the serveras unknown. See the Firewallconfiguration section to rectifythis problem.
Q) What happens if I change network (VPN,wifi) ?
A) As long as the network card usedduring registration is present on the system, licenses will remainvalid.
Q) What happens if the license keysexpire?
A) The software will stop working. Nowarning will be given. If you restart the Autodesk Network Licenseserver, a debug message displays saying the license has expired.
Q) What if the Hostname of the LicenseServer changes?

A) Depending on system configuration, itmay be necessary to re-issue license keys for the license server if itshostname changes.
Q) Can I point to a network licenseserver when on VPN?
A) Network Port 6014 should be enabled.Consult IT support for further assistance.
Q) Can I try to set two Moldflow licenseservers pointing to only one FLEXlm server?
A) No. Setting the Autodesk LicenseManager (Moldflow) Service proxy server on two hosts will corrupt theadministration of the license queue.

Additionalhelp and support

Generating a diagnostic report

When contacting technical support regarding issues with the AutodeskLicense Manager(Moldflow) server, it is recommended that you attach adiagnostic report.
To generate a report:
  1. Download and extract this batch file to your desktop (right-click Save as):
  2. Run the batch file by double-clicking it.
    Note: In Windows Vista, you will need to right click, and select Run as Administrator.
  3. In the command prompt that appears, enter the name of your Autodesk FlexLM service and press Enter.
    This will generate the diagnostic report: adlm_info.txt
  4. Please send the report (adlm_info.txt) together with your license issue to Autodesk Moldflow Technical support.

  • There are more than 170solutions available about Network license manager
  • TS1070000 AutoCAD2008 Installation and Configuration Troubleshooting Guide

InSiebel or the SubscriptionCenter
  • DL10976858 Hotfix - AutodeskNetwork License Manager IPv6 Support
  • FLEXlm Error -12.Unknown Vendor Daemon:adskflex
    This error will occur whenthe information in the license file has beenchanged.
    Usage of a non-ASCII editor
  • TS1055302 Service CreationError: Failed to install FLEXlm License Server. Could notCreate Service
    Backslash in the service name
  • TS1054983 Network LicenseManager license file path length limitation
    Installation path too long
  • TS1056858 Error -1,359 withFLEXlm
    Ensure the option LMTOOLSignores license file path environmentvariable is selected

Discussionsgroup portal

  • 1 Obtaining help about your Moldflow Product Security software
  • 2 MPS Installation
  • 3 MPS licensing
    • 3.3 Handling license/security errors
  • 4 Configuring the License Server on Windows
    • 4.3 User privilege requirements
  • 5 Configuring the License Server on UNIX/Linux
    • 5.2 User privilege requirements
  • 6 MPS and MPI 6.1
    • 6.1 Changing the license server
  • 8 MPS and MPA 8.0
  • 9 MPS and MPA 8.1

1 Obtaining help about your Moldflow Product Security software

1.1 Moldflow Product Security Administrator on-line help

  1. Open the Moldflow Product Security Administrator (Start > All Programs > Moldflow Product Security > Administrator).
  2. When the Administrator opens, select Help > Help Topics. The on-line help system for the Moldflow Product Security Administrator appears.

1.2 Enterprise Dashboard on-line help

  1. Open the Enterprise Dashboard (Start > All Programs > Moldflow Product Security > Enterprise Dashboard).
  2. When the Enterprise Dashboard opens, click the Help button in the lower right hand corner. The on-line help system for the Enterprise Dashboard appears.

2 MPS Installation

2.1 Important notes for Beta customers

  1. Youmust ensure that all components of your MPS installations are in sync.You will need to upgrade your license server from the Beta version, aswell as any Beta version Enterprise Dashboards that you have installedpreviously.
  2. When upgrading from a Beta server, you should uninstall the Beta version of MPS and remove the Program FilesMoldflowProduct Security directory before installing the new server.

2.2 Install MPS 2.3 server (or later) if you want to use Enterprise licensing

2.3 Need administrator rights to install MPS

2.4 CD mount commands on UNIX

Table 1. Example CD mount commandson UNIX
Operating System Example command
HP-UXmount -o ro,cdcase /dev/dsk/c1t2d0 /cdrom
IRIX mount -t cdfs -r /dev/rdsk/dks0d4vol /cdrom
Linux (Redhat Enterprise)mount /mnt/cdrom
Linux (SUSE 9.2)mount /dev/cdrom
Solaris 2.9 and 10 (CD-ROM is auto-mounted, usually at /cdrom/cdrom0 )

The device names and mount points may be different on your system.If necessary, consult your system administrator for the actual devicenames and mount points used at your site.

3 MPS licensing

3.1 Commercial and Enterprise licensing

Commercial licensing

When a Moldflow client product such as Moldflow PlasticsInsight (MPI) or Moldflow Plastics Advisers (MPA) attempts to performan operation, it first checks whether a required license (node-lockedor floating) is available on the license server. If a license isavailable, the client product reserves the license in a first come,first served order. The license is returned when the operation iscomplete.

Enterprise licensing

Inan Enterprise licensing system, a communal pool of licenses exists on asingle license server. These licenses are referred to as Tasks.A user must reserve a task from the communal pool before he or sheundertakes an operation in a Moldflow client product. Only the tasksthat the user has reserved for his or her personal use are availablefor that user.

If the user does not have enough tasks to perform an operation, heor she must reserve more tasks. Task reservation is performed using theEnterprise Dashboard. A list of the tasks required to performparticular operations is included in the online help system of theEnterprise Dashboard. See the 'What Task do I need?' topic.

3.2 Recovering Orphaned Tasks

Note: This is only applicable to those people using Enterprise licenses.

If your Moldflow product crashes or you experience a hardware failure while you have a task reserved and in the Activestate, the task will be 'orphaned' and will not automatically bereturned to the communal task pool. You will need to recover anyorphaned tasks manually. The orphaned task will be displayed as Active, but in this instance you may return it to the communal task pool.

If, as a result of a hardware failure, you can no longer log into your machine, you may access your tasks from another machine:

  1. Login to any machine on the network that has a Moldflow Dashboardinstalled. You must use the same username that you used when youreserved the tasks.
  2. Launch the Enterprise Dashboard (Start > All Programs > Moldflow Product Security > Enterprise Dashboard).
  3. Youwill see the list of tasks that are reserved under your name. The listwill include both orphaned tasks (if there are any) and non-orphanedtasks.
  4. Ensure that at least 10 minutes have passed since the Moldflow crash or the hardware failure.
  5. Select the orphaned task and click the button in the middle of the two panes. A dialog appears that states
    Thistask is currently active. You may only return this task if the analysisand study associated with it are closed. Are you sure you want tocontinue?
  6. Click Yes to return the orphaned task to the communal task pool.
    Note: You may not return non-orphaned tasks that are Active.

3.3 Handling license/security errors

  • Check that you are using the correct license server.
  • Checkthat you are using an appropriate version of Moldflow Product Securityfor the Moldflow client software on your machine. For example, MPI 6.1requires you to use MPS 2.3 or later. The installation guide that camewith your client software will specify the appropriate version of MPSto use. All newer versions of MPS are fully backward compatible.
  • Check that the licence server has valid licenses installed.
  • Check that you can access the license server, and that reverse name resolution works correctly.
    • On the client machine enter ping <server name>
    • On the license server machine enter ping <client name>
  • Make sure that port 1576 is open on all machines using Moldflow products, plus all switches and routers in-between.

3.3.1 Configuring the Windows Firewall

  1. Open the Windows Firewall (Start > ControlPanel > Windows Firewall).
  2. Open the Exceptions tab and click Add Program. The Add Program dialog is displayed.
  3. Select Administrator from the list, or click Browse andselect the mpsa.exe file from your Moldflow Product Securityfolder (default location is C:Program FilesMoldflowProduct Security).
  4. Click OK to close the Add Program dialog.
  5. Check that you have an entry called MPS in the Programs andServices list on the Exceptions tab. If you do not havethis entry, create it by clicking Add Port and then fillin the information as shown below:
  6. You should then create an exception for the MPS UDP port. Todo so, click Add Port and fill in the information as shownbelow:

  7. Your Programs and Services list on the Exceptions tabshould now contain at least the two following entries:
  8. Click OK to close the Windows Firewall dialog.

You should now be able to see your sever in the MPS Servers tab.

3.3.2 Common error messages when installing license keys

If you cannot find a file with extension '.key' when you want to install the key files.

Youhave either not applied for a license keyfile from Moldflow, or youhave not extracted the license keyfile from the email sent to you byMoldflow. If you have not applied for a license keyfile from Moldflow,you should do so by following the steps in the Obtain License Keyswizard (Start > All Programs > Moldflow Product Security > Obtain License Keys).You should run this wizard on the computer that is to function as theserver. When you receive an email from Moldflow regarding keyfiles, youshould save the keyfile to your local machine.

You encounter the following message: 'ERROR: Unable to install key on MPS server <IP address>. A key for this module already installed on this server.'

Thismessage indicates that the same license key has already been installedon the Moldflow Product Security server that you specified. You cannotre-install the same license key without first removing the old version.

Plug your device into power and. Transferring music from computer to ipod. Tap Download and Install. If a message asks to temporarily remove apps because iOS needs more space for the update, tap Continue or Cancel. Tap Settings General Software Update.

You encounter the following message: 'ERROR: Unable to install key on MPS server <IP address>. Key is not valid for this server.'

Youhave attempted to install the license key on a different server to thatspecified in the license keyfile. The license keyfile can only beinstalled on the server that is named in the license keyfile. If youare not sure which server this is, click the License Key Administration button. When the display updates, you will find the server name at the far right end of each keyfile line.

3.4 Are there Enterprise node locked licenses?

3.5 Can I install an MDL commercial license on a server with Enterprise licenses?

4 Configuring the License Server on Windows

4.1 Installing a license keyfile in Windows

After completing the Moldflow Electronic Registration wizard, you will receive akeyfile from Moldflow. If you have renewed or upgraded your Moldflow licenses, you will also receive a new keyfile.This keyfile needs to be installed on a licenseserver.

  1. Start the Moldflow Product Security Administrator tool. (From the Start menu, navigate to Moldflow Product Security and then click Administrator).
  2. Click License Key Administration (Tools > LicenseKey Administration).
  3. Click Open Keyfile.
  4. The Open Keyfile dialog is displayed. Select the keyfile(*.key) that you received from Moldflow and click Open.
  5. The information stored in the keyfile is displayed in the LicenseKeys to Install table. You will see a number of rows, each onecontaining information about a license feature, its maintenanceend date, the license type and the server hostname.
  6. Click Next. The MPS Server Selection panel is displayed.
  7. Select the server on which to install the licenses containedin the keyfile.
    Note: You must install the license keyon the server identified in the keyfile. If you are not sure whichserver this is, click the Back button. You will find theserver name at the right end of the license key line. When you have confirmed the server name, click Next toreturn to the MPS Server Selection panel.
  8. Click Next to install the keyfile on the selected server. The Keys Installation panel is displayed.
  9. If you selected the correct server, and if the keyfile has notalready been installed on that server, you should see the followingmessage for each key in the table: OK: Installed key on MPS server IP address.
  10. When the keyfile has been installed, click Next.
The License Server Information panel is displayed forthe server on which you installed the keyfile. You can now see allthe different license features and their associated information.
Related tasks

Autocad Unhandled Exception Error

4.2 MPS Time Zone Requirements

UTC(Coordinated Universal Time) of the MPS server and all of its clientmachines must be within 30 minutes of each other. When clocks need tobe adjusted for daylight savings, you should not manually adjust thelocal clock on a machine. Instead you should change the local timezone.

For Moldflow Product Security to operate correctly on Windows machines, you must ensure that the Automatically adjust clock for daylight savings change check-box in the Time Zone tab (Start > Control Panel > Date and Time) is checked on both the server and all client machines.

4.3 User privilege requirements

4.3.1 Windows user privileges

4.4 Multiple Server Support

Note:Thefollowing information does not apply to license servers that haveEnterprise keys installed, but remains current for license servers withCommercial keys.
Moldflow Product Security supports optional secondary and tertiarylicense servers. If you wish to use more than one server, please follow the instructions in the Changing the License Server section.

5 Configuring the License Server on UNIX/Linux

Thefollowing section contains instructions about how to install licensekeys on your Moldflow license server. This is the only configurationrequired to get the server ready for use.
Note:We recommend that administrators of a UNIX/Linux Product Securitylicense server should set up a local Windows machine with the MPSclient software installed. The client software on the Windows machinewill allow you to administer the UNIX/Linux server.

5.1 Installinga license keyfile in UNIX/Linux

After completing the registration wizard, you will receive akeyfile from Moldflow. This file needs to be installed on the licenseserver. There are two methods to install a license keyfile on a UNIX/Linux server. The first is to use the Moldflow Main Menuon the UNIX/Linux license server (instructions below ). The second isto install the keys using the Product Security Administrator on aremote Windows machine.

  1. Log in as root on the machine acting as the Moldflow LicenseServer.
  2. Run the moldflow executable (default path is /usr/moldflow/mfps/bin).For example, enter:

    TheMoldflow Main Menu appears.

  3. Enter the number associated with the Moldflow Product SecurityAdministration menu option.The Administration menu appears.
  4. Enter the number associated with the Install License Keys menuoption. A prompt appears asking for the location of the keyfile.
  5. Enter the location of the keyfile received from Moldflow andpress Enter. The keys will be added to the server.
Note: It may be necessary to wait 30 seconds or morebefore attempting to use these licenses.
Related tasks

5.2 User privilege requirements

5.2.1 UNIX user privileges

Autocad Error 4.132.0 Windows 10

5.2.2 Moldflow Product Security Environment Variable

Table 2. MPS environment variable



This variable specifies the name of the licenseserver. It can be set to 'localhost' if the current machine is the license server.

  1. Login as root.
  2. Run Moldflow.
  3. Select Moldflow Product Security Administration from the Moldflow Main Menu.
  4. Select Change License Server Host.
  5. Answer y when asked Do you wish to change the License Server (y/n).
  6. Enter the hostname of the new license server.
    Note: MFPSHOST may be specified as acolon-delimited list to enter the primary, secondary and tertiaryservers. However, this is not backwards compatible with productsoriginally released with versions of MPS prior to 1.3, such as MPI5.0, MDL 5.0 and Moldflow Works 1.0
  7. Confirm that the name is correct.

6 MPS and MPI 6.1

6.1 Changing the license server

6.1.1 Changing the license server

Since the release of MPS2.3,the Product Security Administrator contains the functionality to allowyou to change the Moldflow license server that provides your licenses.

  1. Open the Moldflow Product Security Administrator (Start > All Programs > Moldflow Product Security > Administrator).
  2. From within the Administrator, select Tools > Set Server. The MPS Server Settings dialog will appear.
  3. To change the license server, type the name or IPaddress of the desired license server in the box. You may enter a list of servers if you have more than one. To do so, please enter each server name on a seperate line.
    • The server with Enterprise keys installed must be the first server in the server list.
    • Any number of servers with Commercial keys installed may be listed after the server with Enterprise keys.
    If you place the server with Enterprise keys anywhere else in thelist, your Enterprise edition Moldflow products will not operatecorrectly.
  4. Click OK to save your change.
  5. If you have any Moldflow software that was released prior to November 2006 installed, you must restart your machinefor this change to take effect.

You may change the license server (Tools > Set Server) whilethe Enterprise Dashboard is open. The Enterprise Dashboard will updateautomatically to show the licenses on the new server.

If you start the Enterprise Dashabord while you are using a serverthat only has Commercial keys installed, the Dashboard will open but itwill be entirely grayed-out. You must ensure that you are using alicense server that has Enterprise keys installed for correct operationof the Dashboard.

6.2 Should you try to set the MFPSHOST variable?

6.3 To switch between using MPI Enterprise or Commercial editions

This is called Mode switching.MPI editions from 6.1 onwards will switch between the Enterprise andCommercial editions, depending upon which type of license keys areinstalled on the license server you are using. If you are currentlyusing a license server that has Enterprise license keys installed, youredition of MPI will switch to the Enterprise edition when you next runit. If you change your license server to one that has Commercial,Academic or Student keys installed, your edition of MPI will switch tothe Commercial, Academic or Student edition when you next run it.


While you are operating in Commercial mode, there is no Enterprise Dashboard functionality

  1. Open the Moldflow Product Security Administrator (Start > All Programs > Moldflow Product Security > Administrator).
  2. From within the Administrator, select Tools > Set Server. The MPS Server Settings dialog will appear.
  3. To change the license server, type the name or IPaddress of the desired license server in the box.
  4. Close MPI and restart it.MPI will automatically detect the license type and will open as theappropriate edition. If you changed the license server to one that hasEnterprise keys installed, when you restart your MPI software it willopen as the Enterprise edition. If you changed the license server toone that has Commercial keys installed, when you restart your MPIsoftware it will open as the Commercial edition.

6.4 Can MPI 6.1 Enterprise edition and MPI 6.0 revision 3 use the same license server?

6.5 Can MPI 6.1 Enterprise edition and MPA 7.3 use the same license server ?

6.6 Can I use MPS 2.2 with MPI 6.1?

6.7 Can I use MPS 2.3 with MPI 6.0 revision 3?

6.8 Can I use MPS 2.4 with MPI 6.1?

7 MPS and MPI 6.2

8 MPS and MPA 8.0

8.1 Is Enterprise security available with MPA 8.0?

8.2 Changing the license server

9 MPS and MPA 8.1

Autodesk License Error 4.132.0

9.1 Is Enterprise security available with MPA 8.1?

Autocad Fatal Error Unhandled E06d7363h

9.2 Changing the license server